The Music
We specialize in creating your event a special moment. We offer many genres and can tailor a play list for your event.

click here for the Alliance String Quartet Classical Music Repertoire
click here for Christmas Selections

Our Group
Our Quartet has been together since 1998 and we are available to play for parties, weddings and other special events at reasonable prices.

Our Group Details & Biographies

click here to listen to samples of our classical music
Service List
We specialize in creating your event a special moment. We offer many genres and can tailor a play list for your event.

click here for the Alliance String Quartet Light Music Repertoire
click here to listen to samples of our light music

If references are required, please contact:
Nancy Lamia:

Brian Valot: cell:1-330-204-0495
home: 1-330-343-2074
Hans Fischer: home: 1-330-343-2074
cell: 1-330-987-7127
If any further information is needed about the group,
please contact the quartet coordinator:
Georgene Recchio

or phone: 1-330-477-6940